domenica 9 agosto 2009

Peace Festival


La nostra giornata è cominciata molto presto per poter trascorrere il maggior tempo possibile in compagnia delle famiglie di Coimbatore che ci hanno ospitato.

Vivere per mezza giornata con loro, completamente immersi nella cultura indiana è stata un’esperienza indimenticabile....è usanza togliersi le scarpe prima di entrare in casa e così abbiamo fatto anche noi! Il pranzo, riso, pulao, dal, verdura, yoghurt, fried cabbage, nuggets, gilabi pickels, sambhar, dosas, kheer…tutto servito su una foglia di banano, un’ occasione d’oro per farsi uno. Alcuni di noi sono stati a visitare il tempio Indu a loro più vicino, altri la moschea. Una sacralità di atti, di preghiere, che manifestano il grande spirito mistico di questo popolo.

Verso le 4 ci siamo tutti ritrovati presso l’Università per Donne Avinashilingam per il Coimbatore Peace Festival.

Speriamo che le foto riescano ad esprimere questo momento straordinario. Tutti insieme, Ragazzi per l’unità, studentesse dell’Università e tutti gli ospiti arrivati per l’occasione (in tutti circa 1600) dopo una preghiera comune all’aperto, abbiamo fatto il Patto di impegnarci a vivere per la pace e ad alimentarla.

Ci siamo poi raccolti nell’auditorium per ascoltare parole importanti di leaders politici e religiosi come quelle del dott. Alan Nazareth che, quando ha citato la frase di Ghandi “Prendi le posizioni della Verità rimandendo nell’amore”, ha mezionato le Beatitudini di Gesù.

Il pomeriggio è continuato con un’ondata di emozioni diverse, dai ringraziamenti e riconoscimenti ufficiali alle musiche e danze indiane, tradizionali e moderne che hanno fatto vibrare la sala all’unisono!


Our day started very early as we wanted to spend as much time as possible with the families of Coimbatore who hosted us. We spent half a day immersed with them in the Indian culture, and it was an unforgettable experience. We learnt many things - for example, it is the custom to take off your shoes before entering the house and that is what we did! The dinner consisted of many different Indian foods and dishes: rice, pulao dal, vegetables, yogurt, fried cabbage, nuggets, gilabli pickles, ambhar, dosas, kheer… all served on a banana tree leaf. The afternoon was a golden opportunity to make ourselves one with them.

Some visited a local Hindu temple, whereas some of us visited a mosque with our hosting families. There we experienced the solemn acts of prayers, which manifested itself as the mystic spirit of these people.

Around four o’clock we all met together at the Avinashilingam University for Women for the Coimbatore Peace Festival. We hope that the photos are able to portray how extraordinary this special moment was for us all. The Youth for Unity, students of the University and all the guests who had arrived for the occasion (who numbered more than 1600) joined together for an inter-religious open air moment; then a pact to commit ourselves to and to nourish peace was made by all. We then returned to the main auditiorium where the peace festival was being held. We listened to the important words of political and religious leaders such as Dr Alan Nazareth, who recalling the words of Ghandi “Stand for the truth in love” linked these words to the Beatitudes of Jesus.

The afternoon continued with waves of diverse emotions and experiences as thanksgivings and official awards were presented to many. Traditional and contemporary Indian dances and music were performed, causing the hall to vibrate with the force and colours of the dances!


Notre journée a commencé très tôt pour pouvoir passer la majeure partie de notre temps en compagnie des familles de Coimbatore qui ont accepté de nous accueillir.

Vivre pendant une demi-journée avec eux, complètement immergés dans la culture indienne, a été une expérience inoubliable…S’ils posaient leurs chaussures avant d’entrer chez eux, nous le faisions aussi! Le repas (riz, pualo, dal, légumes, yoghourt, chou frit, nuggets, gilabi pickels, sambhar, dosas, kheer…) servi sur une feuille de banane, était une occasion en or pour nous faire un avec ceux qui nous ont accueillis. Quelques-uns d’entre nous sont allés visiter le temple hindou le plus proche, d’autres la mosquée. C’était un moment sacré, compose de rites et de prières, qui manifestait le coté mystique de ce peuple.

Vers 4 heures, nous nous sommes retrouvés à l’Avisnashilingam, Université pour femmes, qui accueillait le Festival pour la Paix de Coimbatore.

Espérons que les photos réussiront à exprimer ce moment extraordinaire !

Apres une prière en commun sur les marches d’un temple hindou, tous ensemble, Juniors pour un monde uni, étudiantes de l’Université ainsi que tous les invités venus pour l’occasion (1600 personnes au total), nous avons pris l’engagement de vivre pour la Paix et de la diffuser.

Nous nous sommes ensuite réunis dans l’auditorium pour écouter d’importants leaders politiques et religieux. Parmi eux, Alan Nazareth, ancien ambassadeur de l’Inde et président du mouvement gandhien Sarvodaya, nous a particulièrement interpellés quand il a cité la phrase de Gandhi : « Prends position pour la Vérité en restant dans l’amour ».

Il a ensuite parle des béatitudes de Jésus.

L’après-midi a continué avec un déferlement de vitalité, de couleurs, de rythmes, passant des remerciements chaleureux aux danses indiennes traditionnelles et modernes qui ont fait vibrer la salle à l’unisson.

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